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Wednesday, 09 December 2015 23:11

Jackets pin Raiders

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The Roanoke Rapids Yellow Jackets wrestlers defeated the Southern Vance Raiders 40-29Wednesday night at the Hive.

Weight class and wrestlers: 

195 Nathan Dixon (RR) over Jordan Howard (SV) in overtime 10-8

220 Matthew Norton (RR) won by forfeit

285 Alvin Johnson (RR ) major dec. over Marcellus Bumper (SV ) 13-3

106 Double forfeit

113 Aaron Purser (RR ) won by forfeit 

120 Eric Baird (RR ) won by forfeit

126 Sikes Caceres (SV) pin Ethan Dixon (RR ) 1:14

132 Christian Doisey (RR) won by forfeit 

138 Damone Blash (SV) won by forfeit

145 Michiana Wilson (SV) won by forfeit

152 Tre'quan Alston (SV) pin Robert Weber (RR ) 1:44

160 Davonta Bumper (SV) pin John Abram (RR ) :36

170 Jake Rooker (RR ) pin Batavious Wilkins (SV) :43

182 Tony Mason (RR ) dec Jordan Alston (SV) 16-11

Head Coach DA White comments after the match, "Most of the kids bumped up one weight class to wrestle. I was proud of their effort. We are still young and have alot to work on. The young men are working hard in practice and the weight room is starting to pay off."

The Roanoke Rapids next match is at home in the Armory gym against Hertford County starting at 6:00 PM.


Roanoke Rapids wrestling match photos can be seen at: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10153679972410519.1073742477.131841195518&type=3


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