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Thursday, 10 December 2015 08:07

Lady Jaguars split Halifax County teams

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The Northampton Lady Jaguars rebounded Wednesday night with a win after falling Tuesday in overtime.

On Tuesday, the Northampton County Lady Jaguars Girls battled Southeast Halifax.

With the half-time score tied 19 to 19 the game was a nail biter down to the end. With 7.1 seconds left in game, Jaguars Guard Milequa Eason drove to the basket to tie game 53 to 53 and force the game into overtime.


In the end the Southeast Halifax Lady Trojans came out with the win. Final score Jaguars 59 Southeast 63.


Leading scorers for Northampton County were:

Milequa Eason with 15 points and 6 assists

Rashauna Grant with 19 points and 27 Rebounds

Aaliyah Ramsey with 12 points and 6 Rebounds



On Wednesday the Northampton County Lady Jaguars tipped off against Northwest Halifax.


The Northampton County Jaguars beat Northwest Halifax Vikings 56-48.


Leading scorers for Northampton County were:

Milequa Eason with 21 points and 3 Steals

Rashauna Grant with 21 points and 26 rebounds

Ranajah Lane with 6 points and 7 rebounds



The Northampton County boys team beat Northwest Halifax 59-46.

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