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 A clean energy scholar and lecturer will lead a free, hourlong virtual presentation to share information about the role of wind energy as a tool for mitigating climate change.

The Center for Energy Education will host a webinar Monday, August 26 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

The webinar will feature Dr. Nana Duah, who will discuss Advancement and Challenges of Offshore Wind Energy.

The discussion will explore the latest technological innovations and the environmental and social benefits facing offshore wind energy and examine future outlooks and opportunities in the industry.

Duah is a graduate research assistant and lecturer specializing in industrial and system engineering as well as electrical engineering and renewable energy systems at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.

“Offshore wind energy is ready to take off,” said C4EE Executive Director Mozine Lowe. “Dr. Duah will outline the range of collaboration among government, industry and academic partners to address the challenges and answers that guide research related to market barriers, environmental impacts and infrastructure development.”

The webinar is free and open to the public. 

The discussion will include an opportunity to ask questions and engage with Duah after the presentation.