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Monday, 27 February 2017 19:45

Just wanted to say thank you

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I just wanted to let all on my RRspin Sports readers, followers and supporters on what's been going on with me for the past two months.

Some close may know, but not everyone knows the full picture. I have done my best to still fill the Roanoke Valley in on the LOCAL SPORTS information under the circumstances I faced.

On December 19, 2016 my life changed with a phone call. I had been at work since 7:30 AM at Caledonia Prison when at 8:30 AM I received a phone call from a friend. He stated, "Randy your Dad was found in his yard in Emporia and was headed to ER by rescue, that's all I know". I rushed to Emporia to find my dad laying lifeless hooked to all kinds of machines with the skin tone of purple. Dad had been found laying face down in his driveway on a very cold rainy morning and no one really knows how long he had laid there, but he was alive.  Over 7 hours of heated IV solution and air heated blankets and still no body temperature, but he was alive.

The worst thing I had ever had to face was seeing my Dad lay there and nothing I could do, but Pray and that I did. My next few weeks I put both the Prison and RRspin Sports job on hold. I only had one Dad, Christmas eve and Christmas day passed in ICU. After one week in ICU and one week in a regular room, Dad was alert and well enough to go. Home is where he wanted to be and that's where he went, only to have 24/7 watchful care. I did return to work during the day and return to Emporia nightly to check on him and say hey and just be there for him and me. I did continued the best that I could with all the help from coaches to get game info posted, but I wasn't seen out and about like I had been or felt I should have been. 

We made it to my 50th birthday February 15th and celebrated it together with family by his bedside. Me and my sister even tried to take a photo and asked him to smile. He had the biggest smile on his face as if he was so happy to have his picture with us, well my aunt wasn't ready with the camera and he tired quickly, so the one smile was missed, but not by our eyes. but we did get a photo and I had no idea it would be my last photo with him.

At 7:15 AM on my way to work, I got the worst ever phone call. At 7:13 AM, my dad Kennon "Mutt" Randolph Wrenn Sr. had passed.  His funeral was February 19th, 2017. Two months to the day since he was found face down in his driveway. I had two months more than maybe I should have gotten with him, but I cherish every moment I spent with him at the hospital and by his bed, listening to his stories, his "aw boy" over and over and that he had a car to sell later that day as he did for Sadler Motors for over forty years. I even found out some of his old hangout with the guys and a few things maybe he should not have told me, but it was time I love to this moment.

So now that a week has passed and the grieving is still going on, I am going to do my best for the kids in the Valley to hit the fields again full speed. I want to thank each and everyone of you that did know and called, text or just sent your condolences, I THANK YOU. everyone of them did and do still help. I do have comfort knowing that he is not hurting anymore and is at peace and home with his Dad Horace and Mom Mae.

Please understand I didn't just stopping coming to games, I just chose time with my Father before he was called home.

Read 4258 times Last modified on Monday, 27 February 2017 20:46