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Saturday, 01 October 2011 16:16

March 2: Remembering Brandon Featured

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Mrs. Hamlin gains her composure following the march. Mrs. Hamlin gains her composure following the march.

Riding in a car behind the slow procession was a family who just last week buried a loved one.

They were the family of Brandon Tyrone Peterson, who law enforcement says was gunned down, allegedly by Herman Lee “Smurf” Edwards, as he and some friends were watching football.

“I think it's great, I really do,” Brandon's mother, Joyce Peterson Hamlin, said of the march in honor of her son and other victims of crime. “I think that's what we need is prayer so we can get our community back.”

News of Edwards' arrest brought a sense of relief to the family, Mrs. Hamlin said. “I had trouble sleeping at night.”

Mrs. Hamlin wants to see more of this community advocacy. “I think a lot of times the preachers need to come out of the church and walk up and down and pray with these guys.”

Brandon's father, Jesse Hamlin, was also pleased with the march. “I think it's good. I would have rather not been here over something senseless.”


Pierce talks about her nephew.

Mrs. Hamlin believes Edwards killed her son. “He was just that type of person. He had a list he wanted to settle.”

Mr. Hamlin said the time since his son's death has been, “mighty bad,” and the pain will stay forever.

Brandon, Mrs. Hamlin said, was a good child and college student. “He was always smiling and always cracking jokes. He was loved by everyone.”

Brandon's aunt, Barbara Pierce, said her nephew tried to be a mentor to younger children. “He was always trying to get them to do their best. He was just a loving person, he was well liked by his school friends and excited for his football teams. He gave his life to Christ at an early age so he could mentor and be a difference in these boys' lives.”

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