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With ceremonial shovels pushed into the ground, Victory Christian Academy celebrated phase 1 of its expansion project as students, staff and parents cheered the achievement.

“This is an exciting day for Victory Christian Academy,” Victory Baptist Pastor Jeremy Kobernat said during this morning’s groundbreaking ceremony. 

It was slightly more than two months ago that the church voted unanimously to begin construction of phase 1, he said. “Today we are breaking ground for this project and we are excited about all the great things God has in store for Victory Christian Academy.”

Phase 1, which will be constructed by J.H. Batten will have two classrooms and will double the school’s restroom capacity. It will give the school a full-size kitchen and a room for assemblies.

Kobernat thanked the church members, deacon board, and school administration, and gave a special thanks to school Administrator Dan Bybee “for the countless hours that you have already put into this project.” 

He then thanked the staff and faculty “for all you have done to make VCA possible. We are also grateful for our school families for entrusting your children into our care. We are thankful for the wonderful students that God has sent to VCA.”

Said the pastor: “Let’s pray that this project will be finished soon so that this building can be used for the honor and glory to God.”

Before the shovels hit the ground Kobernat led the audience and students in the singing of Victory in Jesus and with a countdown with help from students the ground was broken.

In his prayer following the ceremony, Kobernat said, “Our hearts are so grateful and we are so humbled and we are so appreciative that you would do such great work here at Victory Christian Academy. We certainly know that all the glory and all the praise belongs to you. We’re just thankful that we get to be a part of it. I thank you so much for all of our students for the blessing they have been.”

In his prayer he expressed thanks for the school parents. “All the parents, grandparents and all the folks who have invested so that their children can be in a Christian school … I thank you for our church that has given and sacrificed so that we can have a Christian school.”

Bybee said afterward the project will give the school the ability to have more classrooms, more space, and more area in order to have more students attend. There are around 200 students who currently attend the school, he said.

The school is finishing up its third, Bybee said.

He said he never imagined the school would grow like it has. “That’s probably because of my lack of faith but we said from the beginning that this isn’t our school — it’s the Lord’s school.”

Asked what has spawned the interest in the school, he said, “I just say it’s the Lord. I think we’re in a new day and age coming out of COVID where people are more concerned about where they’re sending their students to school and what instructional values are being given. I think COVID really drew attention to that and I think it’s really propelled Christian schools in general with their attendance.”

The school is projected to be in the building by Christmas, Bybee said.

But the planning doesn’t stop with phase 1, he said. Phase 2 will be a gymnasium while phases 3,4, and 5 will be additional classrooms to be built as needed. “We’ve already had people give to phase 2. Once we feel comfortable, when we’re finished with phase 1, then we’ll begin phase number two.”

Kobernat said, “We’ve seen some amazing things happen just getting the property, renovating the property and getting these modular (classrooms) is huge, but this (phase 1) is a huge, huge step with this building. We’ve already voted to finance phase 1. We’re praying it doesn’t stop with phase 1. We’re praying that phase 2, phase 3 and all of those will be able to be continuous. It’s just exciting. It gives us the opportunity to grow.”

Asked about what’s driven the growth, the pastor said, “We couldn’t do it without the Lord’s blessing. There’s been so many miracles on this project and with the school and this ministry. We’ve got a church that has been behind it financially and with prayers. We’ve got great teachers, we’ve got a great school staff. We’ve got a great school family. They’ve gotten onboard and they believe in Christian education.”

Victory took over the school from Cornerstone Christian in 2021. “They had a Christian school for 25 years,” Kobernat said. “They were faithful people. They were very good to us. They allowed us to acquire this property. They encouraged us, they helped us and we’re thankful that we can carry the baton and have a Christian school in Roanoke Rapids and Halifax County.”