As we approach the holiday season, the energy across our schools is undeniable!
From exciting Board updates to festive celebrations, here are the highlights from the past week and a preview of upcoming events:
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees met in Board Committees on December 10, 2024, to discuss important recurring agenda items and new key topics. Some highlights include the following:
Finance and Personnel Committee: Discussed setting pay dates for staff for the 2024-25 school year. We have distributed a survey to our staff to get their feedback, and this item will be discussed more in January’s Committee meeting.
Policy Committee: Reviewed Policy 2302 on Remote Participation in Board Meetings and two regulations under Policy 4270/6145 on Concussions and Head Injuries:
Management of Concussions, Head Injuries, and Sports Physicals/Eligibility Requirements.
Return to Educational Activities Following Concussions.
Curriculum Committee: Discussed becoming the third Health Sciences Academy in partnership with ECU Health. Special thanks to RRHS alumna Lisa Lassiter, Director of Workforce Development at ECU Health, for making this dream a reality. Learn more about this initiative at
Facilities and Safety Committee: Heard a proposal to implement Yondr pouches to create cell-phone free campuses, which will be revisited in January. More about Yondr can be found at
The Board will hold its monthly meeting tonight, December 17, at 6 PM.
The public is invited to attend.
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Clara Hearne Pre-Kindergarten Center
The holiday spirit was in full swing with a door decorating contest judged by Board Member Cathy Keeter on December 12. Congratulations to:
1st Place: “Polar Express” by Ms. Ricks and Ms. Smith.
2nd Place: “Christmas Tree” by Ms. Wade and Ms. Orise.
That evening’s Cookies with Santa event was a fantastic success, bringing joy to students and families alike.
Manning Elementary School
Students are enjoying their Christmas Spirit Week and eagerly anticipating Cookies with Santa on Thursday, December 19, from 5-6:30 PM. Activities will include:
Free book giveaways
Pictures with Santa
Milk and cookies
Letters to Santa writing station
Educational Christmas activities led by staff, including Fingerprint Christmas Art, Phonics Help for Parents, and Reindeer Food for Mixtures and Solutions.
It’s shaping up to be a memorable evening for our Manning community!
Belmont Elementary School
Congratulations to Harper Majors, winner of the 4th grade Christmas Card contest! Harper’s design will be featured in our Belmont Elementary School yearbook, and she has received a certificate and prize for her achievement.
Don’t miss Belmont’s Holiday Whobilation on December 19 from 5:30-7:30 PM. Families can enjoy crafts, letters to Santa, reindeer food making, carnival games, and much more.
Chaloner Middle School
Our winter athletes are preparing for basketball and cheerleading competitions, while our eighth-grade students are making important decisions about their futures including whether they would like to attend Roanoke Rapids High School or Roanoke Rapids Early College. Applications for the 2025-26 Roanoke Rapids Early College cohort open online on December 20.
Roanoke Rapids High School
Students are looking forward to a Holiday Assembly on Friday, December 20 during the school day with performances by our talented students in band and chorus. That evening, join us for the second annual Christmas at the Castle at 6:30 PM. Highlights include:
Performances by the Jingle Bell Jackets
Hot chocolate, ornaments, coffee, and Krispy Kreme donuts for sale
Santa’s visit with photo opportunities in his sleigh.
This festive event is sure to delight attendees of all ages! We hope all of you will be able to join us as we light up the Castle!
Roanoke Rapids Early College
Our Early College students have begun End of Course examinations for the fall semester. Before testing, I enjoyed spending time during POWER Block with scholars Yahir Fabian Claudio, Connor Godfrey, Gabe Maza, Kaylee Edwards, and James Havis for a lively game of Four-Square. The enthusiasm and camaraderie among our students are inspiring.
Closing Thoughts
The season of giving and gratitude is evident throughout our district. From holiday events to academic milestones, we celebrate the achievements and traditions that make our Roanoke Rapids Graded School District so special. I encourage everyone to participate in these events and join us in creating cherished memories for our students and community. Wishing you all a joyful and safe holiday season!