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The Roanoke Rapids Police Department reported the following:

On Monday, according to Lieutenant Morgan Worrell, officers responded to a report of an assault in the Old Farm Road neighborhood. 

When arriving, officers C. Majette and P. Dueitt located the victim and learned that an argument ensued over lines being painted in a yard. 

During this time Tracey Dwain Beets, 59, of Roanoke Rapids entered a vehicle belonging to the company doing the work. 

Once confronted by the victim, an assault ensued which led to officers being called.

Warrants were obtained on Beets, who subsequently surrendered to the police department.

He faces charges of felony breaking and entering a motor vehicle, misdemeanor accessing computers, and misdemeanor simple assault.

He received a $5,000 bond and Thursday district court date.

Outstanding warrants

On Saturday Traffic Officer M. Morris, along with Lieutenant D. Newsome and Sergeant C. Hagbourne were dispatched to the vicinity of O'Reilly's to assist the North Carolina State Highway Patrol with a person later identified as William Thomas, 38, of Littleton. Thomas had an outstanding warrant and a probable cause search of the vehicle was initiated due to a strong odor of marijuana.

Morris discovered a small clear container that held 46 grams of methamphetamine, in addition to several items of drug paraphernalia inside the vehicle. 

Thomas and a juvenile initially refused to identify themselves.

Thomas was charged with possession of methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia and was jailed without the opportunity for bond due to an upcoming February 13 district court date in Burke County for felony possession of meth and possession of drug paraphernalia.

The juvenile was released to a responsible adult.

Thomas has a Thursday district court date for the Roanoke Rapids charges. He has a June 26 district court date for NCSHP charges of no liability insurance, driving with no registration, fictitious title, driving while license revoked, expired registration, no inspection, unsafe tires, and failing to wear a seat belt.

Sex offender charged

On Saturday Samuel Wayne Alston Jr., a registered sex offender, was charged with violating his probation and felony removal and tampering with a device after the state Department of Probation and Parole received several alert notifications of tampering with his ankle monitor.

Hagbourne, Newsome and Morris located Alston in a room at a local hotel on Julian R. Allsbrook Highway and observed his ankle monitor was not on his leg. 

He was arrested and charged by Hagbourne with removing the device and given a $10,000 secured bond. He was set for a district court appearance this morning.

Probation charged him with violating his probation for which he received a $5,000 U.S. currency only bond.

Alston was placed on the state sex offender registry on October 28 after a conviction last year of indecent liberties with a minor who was 13 at the time of the August 6, 2023 offense and Alston was 19.

He received 60 months probation and was placed on the registry for a minimum of 10 years.