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A Roanoke Rapids man with pending district court dates was charged on marijuana counts Friday night following a traffic stop in the area of Zoo and Thelma roads, according to the Halifax County Sheriff’s Office. 

Deputy D. Bybee stopped Grady Jefferson, 38, for a vehicle code violation and learned he didn’t have a valid license.

During a probable cause search, 10 individual bags containing marijuana, a digital scale and a box of sandwich bags were located.

Jefferson was charged with possession with intent to sell or deliver marijuana, two counts of possession of marijuana paraphernalia and driving without a license. 

Due to district court dates on Wednesday for littering, February 10 for expired registration, and February 27 for possession of a controlled substance on a jail premises, he was jailed without the opportunity for bond.

He has a February 27 district court date on Bybee’s charges.