The water feature at the 1026 Roanoke Avenue urban green space has been installed and the city’s public works department is working on tweaks to the system which allows the water to fall down metal screening and into a tank.
City and county officials conducted checks today at Carolina Inn as a deadline for coming into compliance with a court order looms.
An earlier winter weather advisory has been upgraded to a winter storm warning, according to the National Weather Service.
The National Weather Service has issued a winter weather advisory for all of central North Carolina for tonight and Wednesday.
On separate days in June, Roanoke Rapids firefighters responded to Signature Health on calls residents had gone into possible cardiac arrest.
The Roanoke Rapids Public Works Department has treated roads with some 18,000 gallons of brine as it awaits a winter storm which could bring as much as a foot of snow to the area this evening.
It has become a Tuesday tradition — the children waiting for Lakeshia Jones to blow the horn on the city trash truck and wave at them.
The Roanoke Rapids Public Works Department was lauded for its efforts during and after Hurricane Matthew last week.