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Halifax Community College today received a $90,000 grant from the Truist Charitable Fund, a donor-advised fund administered by The Winston-Salem Foundation.

The aim of the grant, the college said, is to increase advanced manufacturing workforce capacity in rural eastern North Carolina with a focus on increasing awareness of educational and training opportunities in the advanced manufacturing sectors.

HCC  President Patrena Benton Elliott said, “This program aims to assist unemployed and underemployed young adults in the Roanoke Valley with the acquisition of the necessary skills and knowledge to compete successfully in today’s economy.”

This funding will help the college expose students throughout the service area to careers in advanced manufacturing, career and technical education, and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines as well as increase awareness among stakeholders about the educational and workforce training opportunities at Halifax Community College.

It also seeks to increase enrollment in Career and Workforce Development programs at the college.

“Manufacturing is a critical sector for our state and regional economy that continues to grow,” said Keith Warren, Rocky Mount market president for Truist. “The sector provides workers with competitive pay, the ability to continue to learn new skills and the opportunity of a meaningful career.”

Said Warren: “We believe that by investing in Halifax Community College’s efforts to drive awareness of career opportunities in advanced manufacturing and the training available will help students realize career paths that can benefit their long-term success.”