The last week of September brought many celebrations and smiles to our students and staff as we enjoyed Homecoming Spirit Week.
Our youngest students had fun showing off their crazy socks, dressing in their favorite colors, designing crazy hats, and wearing their clothes inside out.
Many of our elementary students participated in Neon Day, Career Day, Crazy Hair Day, and Workout Day.
Our schools, including Clara Hearne — our pre-kindergarten center — participated and showed off their Yellow Jacket Pride on Friday.
Our RRHS students enjoyed float-building and they proudly shared their floats during the homecoming parade.
Congratulations are in order for our ninth graders, who won the float building contest, and for our eleventh graders, who won the overall Spirit Trophy for their participation all week.
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At the game, we celebrated all previous RRHS cheerleaders, and a memorial garden inside the stadium was dedicated to RRHS alum Lucy Pierce Spriull.
I was locked up in Project Graduation’s Jail and Bail fundraiser during the game to earn my
$250 bail. Our community is so generous, and I earned bail and more!
At halftime, we watched great performances from our Marching Yellow Jackets and cheerleaders, honored our Homecoming court, and announced our 2023 RRHS Homecoming Queen and King, Alayna Davis and Ethan McElheney.
If you have some time and have not seen it yet, please visit our district Facebook page and watch our varsity football team’s excitement as they celebrate Ethan being named Homecoming King.
Following the game, the RRHS Alumni and Friends organized a beautiful fireworks show; the Sports Club hosted the Avenue Revenue band for a concert on the softball field; and RRHS and RREC had the annual Homecoming Dance.
It is so fun to see our students looking so sharp and having a great time together!
In addition to Homecoming week, we are also proud of Courtney King and Lydia Carroll, who went to Fayetteville to represent RRHS and audition for the NC Honors Chorus.
Chaloner Middle had another successful Jacket Jump Start Club Day.
Carlos and Louise Nery, students from Roanoke Rapids Early College High School, shared a presentation that included traditional food, with the students in the Passport to the World Club. Katie Ammann, owner of the music school of Roanoke Rapids, also shared a presentation about the country of Mali that included traditional instruments.
Chaloner’s volleyball team also won two games this week to continue their streak of being undefeated.
Our elementary schools are celebrating Walk, Bike, or Roll to School Day on Wednesday.
We encourage our families to participate in this fun, healthy living event as they travel to and from school.
During the school day at Manning Elementary, we will celebrate Walk to School Day by having each grade level take some time to walk together.
Belmont Elementary kindergarten and first grade students will go on a scavenger hunt and explore nature around Belmont; second and third graders will go on a sensory walk to experience the nature around Belmont; and fourth and fifth graders will participate in protecting the nature around Belmont by helping clean the campus.
Lastly, our staff felt so appreciated by the Roanoke Valley Chamber of Commerce and its members.
The Chamber’s Business Education Partnership with Chamber staff Ginny Lewis, Jan Morgan, and Esther Harris hosted the Educator Appreciation Business After Hours Event at Riverside Mill on Thursday, September 28.
The carnival theme included delicious food, fun games, and special fellowship with educators and businesses across the Roanoke Valley along with fun shopping at Riverside Mill. All educators who came received a free oil and filter change from Tracy Story and Discount Automotive and Tire Service Center of Roanoke Rapids in addition to other lovely gifts.
We had a great time and won some awesome prizes.