The 2022 RAGE Wrestling Fundraiser was an enjoyable and successful event.
The event was held Saturday at the Roanoke Rapids High School Gym.
There were approximately 300 spectators that came out to the RRHS Gym.
The event brought a third of what we need to take our usual 40 children shopping, which is awesome!
From the youngest to the oldest, there were smiles and laughter as the wrestlers welcomed audience participation.
The invitation of having the children pile in the ring to have pictures made after the main event was spectacular!
RAGE Wrestling provided family fun at a reasonable cost and allowed many memories to be made while at the same time, providing a means for the Roanoke Rapids Police Club to raise funds to take children shopping for Christmas.
At this time, we don’t know exactly how many children that we will be taking on the shopping spree. We should know by the 21st of November, after all donations are calculated.
In the past, our goal was to take 40 children shopping and I feel it shouldn’t be less than 40 this year.
Christmas for Kids shopping event will be held the first week in December.
There’s no better way to get into the Christmas spirit than by taking an excited child on a shopping spree!
We would like to thank the sponsors that made this years’ RAGE Wrestling event possible.
The generosity of our sponsors provides The Roanoke Rapids Police Club the capability of having this fundraiser year after year.
We would also like to thank the spectators that came out to support this program and witness their favorite RAGE Wrestler Warriors in this family fun event.
The concessions were coordinated and provided by Major Bunch, Chief Warrant Officer Stith and the Roanoke Rapids High School JROTC members.
The JROTC members were also a tremendous help with gym preparation along with student volunteers from the Roanoke Rapids Early College High School that assisted with the set up and clean-up for this event as well.
On behalf of the Roanoke Rapids Police Club, we would also like to thank the media resources to include the Maverick Talk Show at 102.3, the Roanoke Rapids Daily Herald, RRSPIN, and all the social media users that personally shared our event as well.
Last, but not least, a huge thank you to Nicholas & Jodi Hawkins of the RAGE Wrestling Organization, along with all the RAGE Wrestling Warriors.
The wrestlers/Warriors were awesome with the children and provided one on one time with any child that approached them.
The guest speaker was Jamie Taylor, family life pastor of Valley Community Church.
Pastor Taylor shared his life testimony with the attendees.
RAGE wrestling has become a much looked forward to event in the Roanoke Valley.
We feel their message, their support and their organization brought a night of positive Christian outreach to our community and to the ones that attended.
Thank you again to the RAGE Wrestling Warriors Organization for providing this type of entertainment and the outreach it provides.
Once again, we are grateful to the RAGE Wrestling Warriors, the sponsors, the volunteers, the individual donations, and for the ones that purchased tickets to spend time with the RAGE wrestlers and members of the Roanoke Rapids Police Department and Club.
We owe our success to you!
Tina May
Roanoke Rapids Police Department