Rumors of Lakeland’s demise have been greatly exaggerated, and in fact, we look forward to many more years of delivering quality community theater to the region.
Rumors of Lakeland’s demise have been greatly exaggerated, and in fact, we look forward to many more years of delivering quality community theater to the region.
This week is a very special week in Roanoke Rapids Graded School District as we celebrate all of our staff for Staff Appreciation Week.
It seems unreal to think that we have made it to the last day of April 2024, but I guess this is one more occasion when I’ve learned that my parents were right —- the older you get, the faster the days seem to fly!
Once you’re retired, you will likely need to draw on several types of income for your living expenses.
Our department is continuing our eighth annual Safetypup program for our young children in preschool through fifth grade again this fall.