As 2020 draws to a close, you might wonder how you can improve your tax situation — especially in terms of your investments.
As 2020 draws to a close, you might wonder how you can improve your tax situation — especially in terms of your investments.
As we near the close of another year in Halifax County Schools during this pandemic, we are cognizant of the journey.
For a while now, I have had this idea of promoting Downtown Weldon as a destination for treasuring hunting, meaning customers seeking to find a treasure in our antique and thrift shops.
We’re nearing the end of 2020 – and for many of us, it will be a relief to turn the calendar page on this challenging year.
The worst fear should I have tested positive this morning was the fear of losing my independence for up to 10 days as I lived my life in isolation having to depend on others to get groceries, pick up my mail from the post office and deposit my checks at the bank.