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Theodore Nicholas Papouloglou pleaded guilty in Richmond today to counts one and three of his federal indictment.

Court records filed this afternoon show that he was found guilty of the charges and sentencing is tentatively scheduled for February 20 in Richmond at 1:30 p.m.

Court records filed today give no details on why the Roanoke Rapids man entered guilty pleas on two counts after pleading not guilty to all counts in March.

Papouloglou will be allowed to continue with his current terms of release.

Count one charges him with evasion of income tax assessments and count three charges him with conspiracy to transfer, receive, conceal and sell stolen goods.

The original four-count indictment says Papouloglou in November of 2020 incorporated DG Auto South LLC in Emporia as a scrap metal business which routinely purchased and sold automotive parts, including catalytic converters. It also operated as a money transmission business in connection with the purchase and sale of catalytic converters.

In November of 2019 Papouloglou incorporated Strategic Converter & Cores, a limited liability company registered to his mother's address in Gaston, a company the indictment refers to as an alter ego of the Virginia business.