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Warren County Commissioner Tare “T” Davis was sworn in as the next president of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners.

He was administered the oath of office last week  during the 117th NCACC Annual Conference held in Winston-Salem.

Davis is the first county commissioner from Warren County to hold the position, which is chosen by peers from 100 counties across the state.

More than 400 county commissioners, officials, staff and others attended the three-day conference, which included workshops on county issues with nationally known speakers, and offered opportunities for networking.

After being sworn in as president, Davis unveiled his presidential initiative called Heroic Hands: Celebrating Public Service. 

It focuses on honoring the dedication of North Carolina public service organizations and their workers, including emergency medical services employees, firefighters, teachers, law enforcement officers, public health and social services workers, public works and parks and rec employees, and all others who make things run every day.

“My presidential initiative will highlight the value of having a career in public service and challenge us (county government leaders) to work with state leaders and our intergovernmental partners to promote workforce training needs in local government,” said Davis. “I am grateful every single day for those who dedicate their careers to taking care of our most fundamental county operations.”

Davis, a Halifax County native who was raised in a household that valued public service, said the Heroic Hands initiative was personal to him.

At age 17 he joined the Army National Guard and served for 12 years. He recently retired from the North Carolina State Highway Patrol with some 28 years in law enforcement.

Davis has been a county commissioner for almost a decade. 

He is currently campaigning for the state senate district 2 seat which includes Halifax, Warren, Davis and his wife Monica, a middle school teacher, have four children and reside at Lake Gaston.