The Downtown Enfield Restoration and Preservation Association is partnering with other community organizations to kick off the holiday season.
DERP is partnering with the Enfield Alliance Coalition, ABC2, the Civic Club, EEDRC, and the department of parks and recreation.
November 25
The DERP fourth oyster roast will be held beginning at 5 p.m. at Scotfield Preserve — 193 Country Club Drive in Enfield.
Fresh oysters and shrimp are coming directly from Washington. There will be non-seafood options as well.
Cost is $40 per person. There will be a DJ and 50-50 raffle at this BYOB event.
Tickets can be purchased at Holdford Hardware — call Meredith at 252-445-3519 — or Halifax Mutual Insurance — call Lori at 252-904-8447.
December 1
Christmas in the Square will be held at 5:30 p.m.
Santa will arrive by fire truck.
There will be food, music, and Christmas carols.
DERP is also requesting assistance with a toy and food drive by bringing an unwrapped toy or a canned food item.
The League of Churches Community Choir will be performing.
DERP, the Civic Club, Enfield Parks and Recreation, EAC and ABC2 will be sponsoring this event. Parking for Enfield Town Square is at 110 Dennis Street.
December 2
The Civic Club and Enfield Parks and Recreation are sponsoring the annual Christmas Parade. Lineup is at 11 a.m. on Watson Street. The parade starts at noon.
The rain date is Saturday, December 9.
To participate contact Calvin Pittman at 252-908-1699, James Whitaker at 252-445-4247, or Angela Harper at 252-557-7477.
December 9 and December 10
There will be a service at the Historic Episcopal Church of the Advent on Saturday, December 9, at 11 a.m.
The church is located at 200 Batchelor Avenue.
The church was built in 1880 and is an example of Gothic Revival architecture.
The church was designated a Preserved Historic Church in 2015 by the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina.
The following day the annual Christmas service at Whitaker’s Chapel, a Heritage Landmark of the United Methodist Church and also listed on the National Register of Historic Places, will be held at 3 p.m.
Whitaker’s Chapel was the site where religious reformers held the North Carolina Annual Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church, carving out a new denomination of the church in the 1820s.
December 16
EAC’s League of Churches will be holding a Unity of Christmas revival at St. Paul Baptist Church, 421 South McDaniel Street, at 2 p.m.
Speakers are Reverend Molly Yates of the House of Resurrection in Whitakers and Reverend Felix Petteway, pastor of St. Paul Baptist Church.
In addition, the League of Churches choir will perform and there will be a youth skit.