The Roanoke Rapids Graded School District Board of Education voted Tuesday night to excuse Monday’s snow day and not require students to make up that time since the district has fulfilled the allotted number of instructional hours required by the state.
“We are in a really tight position going forward if we have to cancel school because of snow. This leaves us with Saturdays, spring break, or even extending the school day to make up lost time. Our options are extremely limited,” said board member Cathy Keeter.
With exams scheduled for high school students and the semester ending next week, board members felt it was too soon to modify or extend the school day for it to be effective.
Facilities fee
In other action the board approved a new facilities fee agreement for those wanting to use district ball fields and buildings.
Starting in January, organizations wanting to use the Roanoke Rapids High School Gym and softball field will be charged $100 dollars for a maximum of two hours.
A $60 fee will be charged for those wanting to use the Chaloner Middle School practice field. The new fee structure was imposed to cover the cost of district personnel to be on-site during usage and associated utility costs.
Use will be limited to school-related groups, local government and youth organizations, and other non-profit groups.
Science fair
Board Chair Jay Carlisle and Superintendent Dain Butler also recognized three students. Brooke Lassiter, Alyssa Rodriguez and Raven Norman were honored for winning the recent Roanoke Rapids Early College High School Science Fair.
Lassiter and Rodriguez were unable to attend Tuesday’s board meeting.