Notice is hereby given that the Roanoke Rapids Planning Board will hold a public meeting Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. at the Lloyd Andrews City Meeting Hall located at 700 Jackson Street to hear the following items and provide a recommendation to City Council:
Consideration of Land Use Ordinance amendments to correspond and comply with North Carolina General Statute 160D, which consolidates city and county Planning & Development Regulations.
Related information is available for public inspection in the Planning and Development office at the J. Reuben Daniel City Hall, 1040 Roanoke Avenue.
Any persons, firms, organizations or corporations interested in this matter are urged to attend the meeting.
The City of Roanoke Rapids will provide reasonable accommodations and services for any qualified disabled person interested in attending the meeting.
To request the above you may call the Planning and Development Office at (252) 533-2844 no later than three (3) days prior to the date of the meeting.